Basic conditions

  • The registration must be valid, which assumes that the self-employed worker or retiree has submitted a membership application accompanied by all the necessary supporting documents with the Collections Department.

The worker must have been self-employed for more than one month, meaning that only treatments dispensed after the 30th day of the activity start date can be reimbursed by the C.A.M.T.I.

  • The member must be up to date with their contributions.

In the event of a late payment, entitlement is only retroactive if the contributions due are paid within three months of the date of the reimbursement request.

  • The member must not be entitled under another compulsory scheme as the head of a past or present activity.

The only exception to this principle relates to active self-employed workers who are entitled under another scheme as retirees and who can continue to receive medical benefits paid by the C.A.M.T.I.

  • The reimbursement request must be submitted within two years of the date of the treatment or the prescription (pharmaceutical or optical products, other reimbursable medications), at the latest.