Salary statements

To simplify administrative procedures, the Caisses Sociales de Monaco have developed a single salary statement (CCSS/CAR/CMRC/Unemployement Insurance)

At the end of each calendar month, the Caisses Sociales de Monaco sends you a salary statement form.

Using this document, you must report:

  • the gross salary amounts for each of your employees, including benefits in kind, food or accommodation, where applicable,
  • working hours and paid leave,
  • the bonuses,
  • information about events that have happened during the month:
    • recruitment,
    • staff departures,
    • unpaid leave,
    • prior notice,
    • work interruption for illness, maternity or workplace accident.

This statement, duly completed and signed must be returned to us before the 10th of the month after that to which it refers.

Calculation of playslips

If you are struggling to complete your salary statement, contact the Contribution Collections Department.

Online salary statements

You can enter your salary statements using a secure online Salary Statements service which ensures the confidentiality of the information sent.

Before using our online services you need to enter your initial login credentials are listed at the bottom of the paper salary statements.

The first time you log on, you must enter the information on your profile and validate the general conditions of use for the online services.