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Medical benefits
Principality of Monaco
If the retiree lives in the Principality, their medical expenses are reimbursed by the C.A.M.T.I. in return for contribution payments.
However, membership of this scheme is not compulsory if the retiree is covered under an employee pension scheme or as the spouse of a retiree under an employee scheme.
For information about joining the C.A.M.T.I.
For information about the medical benefits paid to C.A.M.T.I. members:
If the retiree lives in France, their medical expenses are reimbursed by the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (C.P.A.M.) in their place of residence.
We suggest that you contact the C.P.A.M.to find out more about how you join this scheme.
Abroad (excluding France)
If the retiree lives abroad, their pension does not entitle them to any health cover in the Principality or in France.
We suggest that you contact the health insurance scheme of your country of residence, which can give you more information on this subject.
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