Switch to electronic communications

Consequently, it is focused on reducing the amount of paper used, since this accounts for 80% of administrative waste! This is why it promotes the use of email...
Sustainable development is everyone's responsibility and needs everyone's best efforts.
Switch to email and protect the environment!
Do it now and become an eco-partner
If you are insured with one of the funds (CCSS, CAMTI, CAR, CMRC, CARTI) and have an email address, you can subscribe to our online services and benefit from the free option to use email correspondence.
Receive your documents immediately by email and you'll no longer have to wait for the post!
Access your Personal Space
It's easy to use this service: simply connect to your personal account and register an email address in your Profile. You'll immediately receive an email asking you to validate this address which will then be used for all correspondence.
Receive statements and letters by email
Once you've validated your email address, the option to use email correspondence is automatically activated. From now on, you'll receive all letters about this service by email.
Attention: this option is general, so you cannot request "postal mail" for some documents and "email" for others.
Which letters are included?
All letters issued by the funds will ultimately be including in this service. The availability of new electronic letters is gradual.
Who can use this service?
Anyone subscribed to the online services offered by the Caisses Sociales de Monaco.
Sending illness statements to your complementary organisation
In order to make things simple, Caisses Sociales offers an additional service which automatically sends digital statements of medical benefits to your complementary health insurance organisation. The statements are sent to this third party at the same time as they are sent to you and you will be notified of this. So you no longer need to send the original statements (or photocopies) to your complementary insurance provider.
This service is optional. You can decide to continue to send such documents to the complementary organisation yourself.
Information sent to third parties
The information sent by the funds to the complementary organisations is an exact copy of the information provided on the (paper) statements that you currently receive by post.
This service does not apply to cash benefits (daily sickness and maternity benefits, disability pension, etc.).
How to use this service
This service is available as soon as you have confirmed your email address and as long as you belong to a mutual or complementary health insurance company. This company must have signed the services agreement with the Caisses Sociales and have given you the email address to which the letters are to be sent.
You must provide this address in the "letter options" on your profile.
When this service relates to several family members, the situation of each family member must be validated. Indeed, it may be that your spouse or your children do not have complementary health insurance cover, or that they are covered by a different mutual or insurance company. In this last case, for each member of the household, you must provide the email address for the complementary organisation to which they belong.
You can choose not to use this additional service. It is not related to the "Email" option. In this case, you will continue to send the statement of benefits that you will receive by email rather than by letter, to your mutual or insurance company.
If your complementary organisation has not yet signed the services agreement and you wish it to do so.
Download the agreement application and send it to your Mutual or Insurance company, which must complete and return it by post to:
Service Environnement des Caisses Sociales
11 rue Louis Notari
98013 Monaco Cedex
You and your complementary organisation
Important: the fund does not replace the procedures that you have to complete for your complementary organisation. You must still send it the usual supporting documents (copies of medical prescriptions, health professionals' invoices, etc.). Similarly, the fund will not intervene in your relationship with your complementary organisation.
Your obligations
You must ensure that your mailbox is operational and adequately sized. As a guideline, the size of each email containing your statement is about 20 to 30 KB.
You are responsible for storing the items sent electronically by the fund in the same way as you would for "Postal mail", for any purpose whatsoever.
If you lose the items sent by the funds, or in the event of a problem receiving them, you can download your medical benefits statements in PDF format for the last twelve months from your Personal account.