CARTI contribution categories for the new financial year starting at October 1st

Thursday, 5 October 2023
If you are a self-employed worker: remember to change your contribution category for the new financial year.

Every year, between 1 October and 15 November, self-employed workers have the option of deciding their contribution band for the new financial year.

If you wish to choose class 2, 3 or 4, we request that you inform us of your choice, by e-mail to

If you choose class 1 only, please make sure that you fulfil the resource conditions (monthly average of less than € 2,752.00 ) which allow you to qualify for these exemption arrangements, please also request the documents to be filled in from

Please note that freedom to choose between the classes is limited, for those of 55 years and over and up to the date of retirement, to the class immediately above in the event of an increase.

New scales applicable from  01/10/2023

Quarterly contribution525.60 €1,051.20 €1,576.80 €2,102.40 €

NB: the value of the C.A.R.T.I. point is set at  €17.112 on October 1, 2023