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Contribution calculations
For the CAMTI
The contribution rate is set based on the ratio between the predicted development in the contributing workforce and the expenses of the medical benefits to be covered. This contribution rate is set annually by Ministerial Decree.
The total contribution for the fiscal year 2024-2025 is €1,095.00 per quarter.
For the CARTI
There are four contribution categories which allow between 1 and 4 points per month to be earned through a contribution payment proportional to the amount of rights acquired
(category 1 = 1 point, category 2 = 2 points, etc.).
Since 1 October 1998, an additional rate, set annually by Sovereign Order, has been assigned to the basic contribution.
Contribution amounts and category choice
The contribution is payable for each calendar month whatever the actual duration of the activity conducted during the month in question.
For the CARTI
The contribution shall be paid quarterly in arrears, within the first 10 days of January, April, July and October. Failing that, an interest of 1% per month of delay is applicable.
For the CAMTI
The contribution shall be paid quaterly in advance term, within the first 10 days of January, April, July and October. Failing that, an increase of 10% is applied, as well as a value of 1% by month delay.
Exemption from contributions
In the event of a total cessation of the business activity due to an illness, accident or maternity, you can ask to be exempted from paying contributions to the CAMTI and the CARTI, by completing the "Activity Interruption Notification" appearing on the back of your medical expenses claim form. However, if the business activity is continued by a third party (spouse, employee) such an exemption will not be permitted. If this exemption is granted, you continue to be entitled to medical benefits paid by the CAMTI as long as there is a medical reason for the work interruption, but you do not receive retirement points.
Payment methods
As of December 12, 2024 and pursuant to Ministerial Order No. 2024-483 of September 12, 2024, all Self-Employed Workers are required to pay contributions by means of direct debit.
How to update my payment method:
Complete the mandates available below:
Return them accompanied by a bank identity statement (RIB), by post to the Collections Department [Service Encaissement] or via the online service for sending documents from your insured individual personal space.
If you pay the contributions due by bank or postal check or by interbank transfer, a processing fee of €30 will be applied.
In this case, you must contact the Payments Department of the Accounting Agency for the details of the bank account to be credited.
If you are experiencing cash flow difficulties, please contact the Contribution Collections Department to set up a personalised payment plan.
If you are looking to employ personnel, please refer to the pages in the EMPLOYER section
Self-employed worker
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