
What is affiliation?

  • Affiliation enables the Caisses Sociales de Monaco to identify an employer duly authorised to conduct its business activities in the Principality.
  • Affiliation is needed so that the Employment Office (France Travail) can identify any employer whose personnel are covered by unemployment insurance.
  • It involves allocating the employer a unique employer number which is used to monitor:
  • all contributions for which the Caisses Sociales provides collection services.

Who should be affiliated?

To Caisse Monégasque de Retraite Complémentaire (CMRC)

All natural and legal persons permitted to pursue an occupational activity in the Principality and who employ salaried personnel as part of that activity, except employers listed by Ministerial Decree.


From 1 January 2024, those employers who are already affiliated to CCSS and CAR will use the same registration number for CMRC. There will be no need to carry out a particular procedure to affiliate.


Any individuals, companies or organisations authorised to conduct a business activity in the Principality and employing salaried employees as part of this business.

Organisation to contact

In the event that the authorisation issued is withdrawn, either by the Economic Development Department (Direction du Développement Economique), or by ministerial decree for some regulated professions, in addition to the penalties stipulated by law, the employer is subject to a forced recovery and collection procedure for social contributions.

To unemployment insurance

Any private-sector employer who connects the services of a person to an employment contract must insure that person against the risk of unemployment.

  • Natural persons:
    • Self-employed workers (craftsmen, shopkeepers, etc.),
    • Liberal professions (doctors, lawyers, etc.),
    • Private individuals who employ personnel (secretary, personal accountant, etc.) excluding household employees who are affiliated through the dedicated procedure appearing in the "Employer of Household Employees" section.
  • Legal entities
    • Commercial and non-commercial companies (SAM, SNC, SCS, SARL, SCI…)
    • Associations...

Certain categories of personnel do not have to be reported to our fund for Unemployment Insurance contributions:

  • sailors registered with Caisse Nationale d'Allocations Familiales des Marins,
  • multi-card salespeople,
  • those intermittently employed in the entertainment industry administered by France Travail


France Travail will remain your point of contact for:

  • carrying out mandatory studies,
  • providing certificates of termination of employment via its website ,
  • everything relating to compensating unemployed workers.
Exceptions to the obligation of affiliation

Natural or legal persons authorised to carry out an activity in the Principality from time to time are not required to register if their employees:

  • are usually employed in France or Italy and, as such, declare to the social organisations of one of these two countries,
  • are seconded to the Principality of Monaco, as per the provisions of the Franco- or Italo-Monegasque social security conventions, which lay down certain limits with regard to the duration of the secondment.

When must you become affiliated?

  • When the authorisation to conduct a business activity in the Principality has been issued,  and
  • From the start of their employment

How to become affiliated?

By contacting your contact at the Department for Work, Employment Service (Direction du Travail, Service de l'Emploi). This contact will give you the necessary forms to set up your file and ensure they are sent to the Employer Monitoring Department at the Caisses Sociales de Monaco.

This organisation will carry out your registration and send you your employer number.
They will also send your affiliation to the Employment Office.

Affiliation in detail

How to subscribe to online services ?

Online service login details are provided during registration. On the first connection, the General Conditions of Use must be approved.