If you have not yet requested your supplementary pension rights, the pension request must be made to Service Retraite who will give you the application form and the list of supporting documents to provide.
The supplementary pension application file must be submitted during the calendar quarter during which you wish to benefit from payment of your pension.
Please note: if you are under 65 years old and have resumed professional activity, you can submit your request for supplementary retirement after you cease all activity or compensation.
I'm not yet retired
If you have not yet requested your basic and supplementary pension rights, a single procedure will allow you to claim these rights from CAR and CMRC.
In this case, you can apply for a direct pension online from your Insured Personal Area:
My Procedures Menu > Apply for my retirement pension.
The legal retirement age remains set in the Principality at 65.
However, the pension can be paid prematurely without reduction before this age.
Early pension before age 65
To benefit from an early pension, it is imperative to have ceased all professional activity and not to receive compensation for illness, accident at work or loss of employment.
From the age of 55: This advantage is reserved for a mother who has actually raised at least three children, for eight years, up to their sixteenth birthday.
Between 60 and 65 years old: This possibility is open to any person meeting the minimum duration of activity conditions.
Pension from age 65
The pension can be awarded even in the event of continuation of one or more professional activities.
Cessation of Activity
Early pension before age 65
To be able to apply for a supplementary retirement pension, you must, on the same date, have ceased all professional activity and not receive compensation for illness, accident at work or loss of employment.
If your last activity allows you to benefit from a right to unemployment compensation that you have not yet claimed, you will no longer be able to combine this benefit and the payment of your supplementary retirement pension.
Pension from age 65
You do not have to have stopped working in order to receive your CMRC supplementary retirement pension.
Effective Date of Retirement
I already have a pension from CAR
When all conditions are met (including cessation of activity in the event of a request for early retirement), you can submit your pension request:
If the application is submitted in the current calendar quarter, the effective date is the date all conditions are met
If the request is made after the current calendar quarter, the effective date will be the first day of the calendar quarter in which you made the request.
Depending on the day the pension application is submitted and to avoid losing retirement rights, you should complete/submit your file before March 31, 2024 or during the month of your cessation of activity or compensation.
Provided that your file has been submitted on time, your retirement can start:
January 1, 2024
The day after your cessation of professional activity (NB : for activities in Monaco, we take into account the administrative exit date which does not necessarily correspond to the physical exit)
The day after the last compensated day
The day you are removed from France Travail
In all other cases, the starting point will be set on the first day of the calendar quarter in which the application is submitted.
I'm not retired yet
The effective date of your CMRC supplementary retirement pension will be aligned with that of CAR.
How is the supplementary retirement pension calculated
Its amount depends on the number of points acquired on the eve of the pension effective date.
The amount of your supplementary retirement pension is determined by the number of retirement points acquired during your employed activity in the Principality.
The following are thus taken into account:
Points acquired from Agirc-Arrco for Monegasque periods prior to January 1, 2024 and which were transferred by Agirc-Arrco to CMRC
Points acquired from CMRC for periods of activity, or similar, from January 1, 2024
The amount of your retirement pension is calculated as follows:
Monthly retirement = number of points x annual value of the point / 12
The annual value of the point is €1.4960 as of January 1, 2024.
Please note: No increase in the amount of the pension is applicable, including in the event of liquidation of rights after age 65.
Payment terms
The pension is paid by transfer to the beneficiary's bank or postal account:
If resident in Monaco, France or Italy, at the end of each calendar month, payment takes place on the first working day of the following month.
If resident outside the three previous countries, at the end of each calendar quarter.
In the case of a direct pension, the pension can be transferred to a joint account in the name of both spouses.
General Payment Conditions
If resident in MONACO, FRANCE or ITALY, you will be required to provide, according to the terms specified at our request, every two years, a life certificate.
If resident outside these countries, the obligation to provide either a life certificate or a certificate of existence will be carried out every quarter, according to the terms specified individually by the Retirement Pensions Verification Service.
When it comes to a life certificate, this document must be issued by a competent authority (Consulate, Town Hall, Police, Doctor) on the dates indicated.
After your retirement effective date, you can supplement your pension with partial or episodic professional activity that is only of a supplementary nature.
If you wish to resume a supplementary activity, you are required to declare this to the Service Retraite. In order not to run the risk of suspension of your pension, ask the Service Retraite for the relevant information.
In the event of resumption of activity, you will be required to contribute, throughout the duration of your activity, under the same conditions as before your pension took effect, without these contributions giving rise to the acquisition of additional points increasing the amount of the pension.
The authorised remuneration ceiling is set at: €11,681.28 for 2024. It can be prorated for the year of liquidation of retirement rights and the year of your 65 years.
Subject to compliance with this ceiling, the following activities are considered as additional activities:
Important: The following situations do not allow you to benefit from the payment of an early pension, regardless of the level of remuneration earned from this activity:
When the retiree:
Carries out management, direction or management activities on behalf of a commercial company
Employs staff as part of a non-salaried activity
Additional Activity after 65 years
If you wish to continue or resume an additional activity after age 65, no special conditions apply.
Vous continuerez à percevoir votre pension de retraite complémentaire complète.
In the event of activity in Monaco, you will be required to contribute, throughout the duration of your activity, under the same conditions as before your pension took effect, without these contributions giving rise to the acquisition of additional points increasing the amount of the pension.
Request for a CAR and CMRC career statement
How to obtain your CAR and CMRC career statement
Your annual career statement is sent directly to you at the beginning of July in the following circumstances:
If you were active in Monaco between October 2022 and September 2023 and have opted to dematerialise your correspondence: you will receive an e-mail containing a link to your Personal Space to access your annual Career Statement.
If you were active in Monaco between October 2022 and September 2023 and opted for correspondence in paper format: you will receive a letter containing a summary Annual Statement. You can also consult the detailed statement in your Personal Space.
Alternatively, you can request a Career Statement by applying online: Menu Procedures> Request my Career Statement.
Please Note:
The most recently issued statement is available at any time, in a digital version, from your Personal Insured Space on the Monaco Social Security Funds website: Menu Documents > Consult the documents received> Surname, First names > Retirement benefit > Career statement
If you no longer have access to your Personal Insured Space or if you are no longer employed in Monaco: You can obtain your Career Statement by applying online: https://releve.caisses-sociales.mc
Important: the detailed version of your Career Statement is only available in digital pdf format. It can be requested on your Personal Insured Area.
Contact the Service Info-Carrière des Caisses Sociales de Monaco: