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Adoption leave
Eligibility conditions
When the child arrives in the household or, where applicable, on the start date of the adoption leave if this starts within seven days prior to the child's arrival, the beneficiary must:
- belong to the C.C.S.S.
- meet the same working period condition as that stipulated for the reimbursement of medical expenses (see the"Basic conditions" section).
When the leave period begins, the beneficiary must prove a loss of wages as a result of the temporary work stoppage (which is not the case for example, for unpaid leave).
The request for payment of daily allowances must be sent to the fund within three months of the end of the adoption leave.
Leave period covered
Sundays and public holidays included, the leave period covered is:
- a maximum of 8 weeks for the adoption of a single child,
- a maximum of 10 weeks if the household already has two dependent children or in the case of multiple adoptions.
Adoption leave can be split between both parents.
In this case the parents can receive the benefits separately or concurrently, provided that the total number of days for which they receive the benefits does not exceed the leave period above.
If you wish to share the adoption leave period and the other parent is covered by the French scheme, please contact the Medical Benefits Department for more information about this particular arrangement.
Commencement of the leave
The start date for the adoption leave must coincide with the child's arrival at the household or, where applicable, be within seven days prior to this arrival.
In the case where the leave period is shared between both parents, the leave start date cannot be prior to the child's arrival in the household, or the seven days preceding this arrival. It can however, be after the child's arrival, if the overall adoption leave, shared between both parents, satisfies the conditions for the start and duration of the leave.
Regardless of start date chosen for the leave, there is no need to inform the fund of this beforehand. However, it is your responsibility to notify your employer as set out in the legislation (ref. Law no. 1.271 of 3 July 2003), which stipulates a general notice period of four weeks.
Within three months of the end of the leave at the latest, send us a form requesting the payment of daily allowances completed by your employer, which must include:
- the start date and, where applicable, the end date of the adoption leave
- the information appearing on the payslips for the months preceding the work stoppage (gross salary amounts and number of working hours).
On the same document, you must also provide:
- the arrival date of the child in the household,
- the other parent's registration number, if he (she) is affiliated to the C.C.S.S. or the C.A.M.T.I.
- the number of dependent children already in the household (prior to the adoption),
- whether you have shared the leave period, specifying in this case, the arrangements for the sharing.
You must attach a copy of the adoption order showing the arrival date of the child in the household, or any other supporting document confirming this date, to this form.
After the benefit has been paid and once the entitlement has expired, in both Monaco and in France, the beneficiary must produce:
If the leave period was not shared between the parents:
- a certificate of non-payment drawn up by the Monegasque health insurance organisation under which the other parent is covered,
- or, if they work in France, a sworn declaration waiving the entitlement drawn up by the other parent.
If the leave period was shared between the parents:
- a certificate of absence from the employer of the other parent, whether they work in France or Monaco,
- a certificate of compensation specifying the total compensation period and issued by the Social Security Fund under which the other parent is covered,
- a sworn declaration from the other parent, stipulating that the balance of this benefit has been settled.
Attention! Any request sent after the three-month deadline shall not result in benefits being paid
Benefit amount
Calculating the daily allowance
The amount of the daily adoption benefit is equal to 90% of the average gross daily salary received by the parent over the 12 months prior to the start of this leave. This average daily salary is calculated under the same conditions as health and maternity insurance.
Benefit payment
The benefit payment is calculated by multiplying the daily benefit amount by the number of days of work interruption subject to daily allowances.
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