Unemployment benefits

Since March 1980, workers who have involuntarily lost their jobs and, in application of the legal or regulatory provisions (generally through France Travail), are covered under a business conducted in Monaco, and who live in the Principality, can receive Family Benefits from the Social Funds

If the place of residence of your household is in Monaco

With regards the eligibility conditions and amount, the scheme for these benefits is in line with statutory requirements for Family Allowances, in that each working or non-working day of unemployment covered is equal to 6 hours of salaried work.

If the place of residence of your household is in France

Given the place of residence of your household, you are covered under the French scheme in terms of Family Benefits.

Please contact the Caisse française d'Allocations Familiales (French Fund for Family Benefits - C.A.F.) for your place of residence.

If the place of residence of your household is abroad

Given your nationality and the place of residence of your household, you are not covered by either the Family Benefits scheme of the C.C.S.S. or those managed by the organisations in the countries with which the Principality has signed a Social Security Agreement.