Family allowances

To receive these allowances, the head of the household must be registered with the C.C.S.S.

Family Allowances are due for each dependent child, from:

  • the month of birth, when this is after the employee's registration is effective,
  • from the first day of the month after the month when benefits of the same kind have been paid by another scheme,
  • and in other cases, the start date of the registration of the head of the household.


This amount varies depending on the child's age. It is fixed every year by the CCSS Committees and is generally modified on 1 October of the current calendar year.

Service momentanément indisponible.

The amount also depends on the monthly working period of the head of the household:

  • The minimum eligibility period is 75 working hours (or equivalent) per month
  • The family allowance amount is paid prorata between 75 and 144 working hours (or equivalent) per month
  • The full monthly payment is paid from 145 working hours (or equivalent) per month

Calculation examples

Payment arrangements

  • Family allowances for a given month are generally paid in the following month.
  • As a general rule, they are paid to the beneficiary, who is by default the parent entitled to the benefit.
  • In case of alternate residence at the home of the father and of the mother, half of Family Allowance will be paid to each of the parents under the following conditions
    • The divorce or separation happened prior to July, 4th 2017,
    • The parents have delivered to the CCSS a written statement of their agreement concerning the sharing of family allowance for situations established prior to July, 4th 2017.

Payment schedule

Supporting documents to be provided

  • For children aged between 6 and 20, the beneficiary must send the C.C.S.S. the school attendance certificate that they receive at the beginning of the school year, duly completed by the establishment with which the child is registered.
  • For children aged 16 or above at 30 June, the beneficiary must also provide a certificate of continuing education, which is usually requested in late May, early June.
  • For children who are following a correspondence course:
    • When compiling the file and at the start of every school year: supply an attendance certificate and a sworn declaration specifying whether your child is performing an income-generating activity.
    • You must also inform us of any change in your situation (end of schooling, poor attendance: homework not sent, start of salaried activity, etc.).
  • For children on apprenticeships, provide:
    • at the start of the school year: a photocopy of the apprenticeship contract and a registration certificate for the course,
    • at the end of the school year, a form relating to their diligence which has to be completed by the child's employer.

If one of your children leaves school during the year, they are no longer entitled to Family Allowances, unless there is a medical reason for this.

Therefore, you must immediately inform the Family Benefits Departmentabout such a situation in order to avoid potentially unpleasant adjustments and requests for repayments.