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Widow's pension
Pension Application
- How to Apply for a Pension
- An application for a survivor's pension must be made exclusively to the Pension Service which will give you the application form and the list of supporting documents to provide.
- The right to a pension for the benefit of a widow whose spouse has exercised an activity as an employee in the Principality is assessed on the date of submission of the survivor's pension application, bearing in mind that it expires in the event of remarriage or cohabitation.
Activity Conditions
- Situation of the deceased spouse
- For a retired CAR spouse:
- At the time of death, the spouse was already receiving a pension from CAR. The condition of duration of activity is therefore met.
- For a non-CAR retired spouse:
- At the time of death, the spouse must have fulfilled the activity condition required to benefit from a direct pension.
- You will find information relating to the activity condition on the dedicated page.
- For a retired CAR spouse:
Marriage Duration Conditions
- If a child is born from the union
- No duration conditions are required.
- If there are no children from the union’il n’y a pas d’enfant issu de l’union
- The widow must justify:
- A marriage duration of four years at the date of death, or
- That the marriage was celebrated two years before the date on which the direct pension took effect for the deceased spouse.
- The widow must justify:
Age Conditions
- Age Conditions
- Subject to satisfying the other conditions for entitlement, the widow has the option of requesting the survivor's pension:
- Before age 50, if at least one child is dependent on the household on the day of the death of the entitled spouse,
- From the age of 50, if there are no, or no longer are, dependent children on the day of the death of the entitled spouse.
- Subject to satisfying the other conditions for entitlement, the widow has the option of requesting the survivor's pension:
- The Concept of Dependent Child
- The status of head of household is accorded to the person who effectively and habitually assumes responsibility for the education and maintenance of the child. To be considered “dependent," under Monegasque legislation, the child must meet the conditions below.
- Residence Condition
- The child must reside under the roof of the head of the household, unless their removal is justified:
- For health reasons,
- By continuing studies,
- By placement in an institution carried out in their interest.
- Age Condition
- The child must be under 21 years old.
- From six to sixteen years old, they must satisfy the school obligation or prove that they are unable to comply with this obligation due to their state of health.
- Beyond sixteen years, they must
- Pursue secondary, higher or professional studies
- or
- Hold an apprenticeship contract and benefit from monthly remuneration lower than the salaire minimal inter professionnel de croissance (S.M.I.C.), less age reductions,
- or
- Be looking for a first salaried activity and registered, for this purpose, with the Employment Service (in this case, Family Benefits can only be provided between the sixteenth and seventeenth birthday),
- or
- Be medically unable to pursue studies or engage in professional activity.
- When children carry out paid employment while continuing studies, they cease to have the status of dependent children as soon as the income derived from this activity is on average greater than €1,008.56 on 1 October 2023
Effective Pension Date
- How is the effective date of the pension set
- The widow has twelve months to submit her survivor's pension application, by simple mail or to our Pension Reception Service. This period runs from the day on which she meets the conditions for entitlement.
- Payment of the widow's pension is effective from:
- The day of the death of the spouse, or
- The day of the fiftieth birthday of the widow who has no, or no longer has, dependent children.
- After this period of twelve months, the application will take effect on the first day of the calendar quarter during which it is presented.
- How is the amount of pension calculated
- The amount of the survivor's pension depends on:
- The total number of points credited to the account of the deceased spouse, affected by the rate of 60%,
- The annual value of the point, set by Ministerial Decree, i.e. €21.8500 on October 1, 2024
- It is defined by the following formula:
- Monthly Retirement Amount = (number of retirement points) X 60% X (point value) /12
- Calculate the amount of your spouse's survivor's pension
- The amount of the survivor's pension depends on:
- Payment Arrangements
- The pension is paid by transfer to the bank or postal account in the name of the beneficiary:
- At the end of each calendar month, if resident in Monaco, France or Italy, payment takes place on the first working day of the following month.
- At the end of each calendar month, if resident outside the three previous countries.
- The pension is paid by transfer to the bank or postal account in the name of the beneficiary:
- General Payment Conditions
- Family status
- As the right to a survivor's pension expires in the event of remarriage or cohabitation, you will therefore be regularly asked for confirmation of your situation as a widow who has not remarried and is not cohabiting.
- Life Certificate
- If you reside in MONACO, FRANCE or ITALY, you will be required to provide a life certificate, according to the terms specified at our request, every two years.
- If you reside outside these countries, the obligation to provide either a life certificate or a certificate of existence will be carried out every quarter, according to the terms specified individually by the Service Vérification des Pensions de Retraite.
- As regards a life certificate, this document must be issued by a competent authority (Consulate, Town Hall, Police, Doctor) on the dates indicated.
Change of Situation
- Remember to report any change in situation
- Any change in your situation may have an impact on your rights and payments.
- This must be reported immediately, by returning these forms completed and accompanied by the necessary supporting documents to the Pension Service:
- Change of address Change in family status Change of nationality
Contact the Retirement Service
- Retirement Service
- Retirement Reception
- Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon without appointment
- Flor-Offices - Ground floor - 10, rue Princesse Florestine
- Telephone Reception - Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2. to 5 p.m.
- Tel. : (+377) 93 15 49 59
- retraite@caisses-sociales.mc
Residence in Monaco
- Health insurance
Maternity insurance
Disability insurance
Death benefit
Non-industrial accidents
- Family benefits
- CAR Basic Pension
- Supplementary Pension CMRC
Social work
Individual aid
Support Loan for Insured People
Childcare Loan
Loan for home improvement
Loan for home improvement
Loan to families in times of crisis
Loan for purchase of furniture
Loan for household appliances
Loan to non-recipients employees
Loan to young households
Loan to young singles
Loan first installation
Support Loan for Insured People
Holiday cheques
Individual aid
- Residence in France
- Residence in Italy
Residence in Monaco
Online services
My personal account
Forms and documents
Medical care