
Your health insurance may cover your spouse and your children (or those of your spouse), if the following conditions are met

The spouse:

  • must usually reside in the Principality or the Alpes-Maritimes region,
  • must not have an occupational activity or be entitled to medical benefits under another Monegasque or foreign scheme.

So that we can assess your spouse's entitlements, please complete and sign the medical benefits application form, accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • a photocopy of the last payslip,
  • a photocopy of the certificate of registration with the CPAM,
  • a photocopy of the last payment stub issued by the Employment office (France Travail).

Attention! No confirmation of entitlement is given in return.


  • The insured or member must be head of the household with regard to the children and responsible for them,
  • The children must:
    • If they are aged over 6, be in school or following an apprenticeship or in secondary or higher education.Attention: after the age of 16, if a child leaves school or stops studying, for any reason other than a medical reason recognised by the Medical Advisor of our Organisations, this will result in a loss of the medical benefits within a maximum period of three months.
    • Usually reside in Monaco or in the Alpes-Maritimes region or otherwise be able to justify their separation for educational or health reasons or a court ruling.
    • Be aged under 21 (or 26 in the case of studying at an educational institution in the Principality if the head of the household resides in Monaco).Important: For further studies after the age of 21, it is very important to enquire at the registration preceding this birthday, i.e. from the age of 20, as to the conditions under which your child can continue to benefit from medical cover.(In general, if the studies take place in France, you must subscribe to the student social security scheme, the annual contribution for which is added to the registration fees).

If you are of a nationality other than Monegasque or French and live in France, please complete and sign the application form below so that we can assess your child's entitlement. Remember to attach the following supporting documents:

  • a photocopy of the family record book,
  • an attendance certificate if this is relevant for the child,
  • in the event of a divorce or separation, a photocopy of the order pendente lite or judgement ruling on the child's custody.

Attention! No confirmation of entitlement is given in return.